Vermiscan is a powerful broad-spectrum roundworm and tapeworm dewormer for puppies and small dogs under 10kg. In tablet form, Vermiscan is truly effective as one shot is all it takes to get results. This dewormer can also be used during the growing season and in pregnant bitches. Vermiscan dewormer is suitable for puppies and small dogs under 10kg and includes 6 tablets.
For puppies and small dogs under 10kg: 1 tablet per 2kg of weight. To be given in 1 single dose in the morning, with a quarter of the daily ration. Treat your pet from the age of 2 weeks and before any vaccination. Treat your dog 2 to 3 times a year. For less pregnant females, treat 15 days before and then 3 to 4 weeks after giving birth. Do not give to cats.
Nitroscanate 100 mg, excipient qsp one tablet.