Therapeutic Indications: This drug contains iron. This is treatment for anaemia due to a lack of iron in the body for adults and children over 6 years and preventative treatment for iron deficiency among pregnant women. Contraindications: This medication should not be taken in the following cases: iron excess in particular those with certain types of anaemia (thalassemie, refractory anaemia, anaemia from medullar insufficiency). If in doubt, it is advisable to consult your doctor or pharmacist. Special warnings: This medication is not recommended for those with anaemia linked to inflammatory illnesses. A medical consultation is needed before taking this medication to assess the cause of the anaemia. Precautions for use: The prevention of iron deficiency in infants is based on the early initiation of a diversified diet. Tea consumption inhibits iron absorption. A test for the effectiveness should be taken after 3 months of treatment, consult your doctor for this. Interaction with other drugs: TO AVOID INTERACTIONS WITH OTHER DRUGS YOU MUST CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST IF GOING THROUGH OTHER TREATMENT, notably other medication containing iron. Pregnancy and breast feeding: This medication can be taken during pregnancy. This medication can be taken during breast-feeding. How to take this drug: Dosage: Suitable for adults and children from the age of 6 years old. Orally. Curative treatment: - children and adults over 30kg (10 years): 3-6 tablets per day. - children between 20-30kg -6-10 years): 3-4 tablets per day. Preventative treatment: - pregnant women: 1-2 tablets per day during the last two trimesters of pregnancy (from the 4th month). THIS DRUG HAS BEEN PERSONALLY DELIVERED TO YOU FOR A SPECIFIC CAUSE: · IT CANNOT BE ADAPTED TO ANOTHER CIRCUMSTANCE. · DO NOT ADVISE IT TO ANYONE ELSE. Frequency and when the tablet should be taken: The time and frequency depends on the digestive tolerance. To limit the appearance of side effects it is recommended to divide the doses up throughout the day. Length of treatment: Long enough to treat the anaemia and restore iron reserves (3-6 months). Side effects: LIKE ALL DRUGS THIS DRUG CAN CAUSE SIDE EFFECTS FOR CERTAIN PEOPLE: possible digestion problems (nausea, constipation or diarrhoea). Discolouration of faeces (grey/black). Possible allergic reactions. Consult your doctor or pharmacist of any side effects that are not mentioned in this description.