Extra thin lipido-colloid absorbent dressing impregnated with Silver Salts. 16 plasters of 10 cm x 12 cm.
Usage tips
Dressing application
Apply the dressing. Cut the dressing if necessary with sterile material, in order to adapt the size of the dressing to that of the wound. Cover with a secondary dressing appropriate to the location and level of wound exudates. Maintain with a Nylex-type band or a tubular net.
Dressing renewal
During the wound cleansing phase, renew every 1 to 3 days depending on the volume of exudates and the clinical evolution of the wound. The maximum duration of treatment is 1 month
Polyester weft impregnated with TLC (carboxymethylcellulose hydrocolloids, paraffin oil, petroleum jelly and polymers) and silver salts.