Once the pebble is immersed in lukewarm water, its action is immediate: it deodorizes and sanitizes feet with heavy perspiration. Indeed, the effervescence releases essential oils of tea tree, cedar, rosemary, lavandin, lemon with sanitizing properties. The USS lipesters, a patented active ingredient, helps maintain healthy skin and prevent the appearance of fungal infections
Deodorizes and sanitizes feet with strong perspiration.
using advice
1 pebble for 5 liters of water: immediately immerse the feet to make the most of the beneficial effect of the effervescence and leave to act for 10 minutes. Do not rinse, dry feet well without rinsing.
Essential oil of tea tree, essential oil of cedar, rosemary, lavandin, lemon which effectively deodorizes and sanitizes the foot. Lipesters USS (patented) maintains healthy skin and prevents microbial development (mycosis).