Homeopathic medicine traditionally used to facilitate weight loss, in addition to dietary measures.
Using Advace
Method of administration Chewable tablets and let dissolve under the tongue, away from meals. Sublingual route.
Dosage Homeopathic medicine reserved for adults, not before 12 years old. Adults: 2 tablets 2-3 times a day. Children over 12 years old: 1 tablet 2 to 3 times a day. Space out as soon as the symptoms improve and stop taking them as soon as the symptoms disappear.
Duration of treatment The duration of treatment should not exceed 1 month. Treatment can be repeated on medical advice.
Fucus vesiculosus 2DH; Antimonium crudum 5DH; Alchemilla vulgaris 2 DH; Calcarea acetica 2 DH
Excipient with known effect: lactose.