In dogs and cats: homeopathic medicine traditionally used in the treatment of suppurative skin conditions.
Homeopathic medicine combining several strains whose properties, in the proposed indication, are recognized by homeopathic medical materials.
The safety of the drug in females during gestation and lactation has not been studied. However, this homeopathic medicine is traditionally used during gestation and lactation.
using advice
Oral route. 1 drop per kg of body weight every hour for the first 6 hours. Continue the treatment morning, noon and evening, until the signs disappear. Administer directly into the animal's mouth using the graduated pipette or dilute in drinking water or mix with food. Consult a veterinarian if symptoms persist.
Pyrogenium: 5CH Hepar Sulfur: 7 CH Silicea: 7 CH Calcarea Sulfurica: 7 CH Echinacea Angustifolia: 3 CH Belladonna: 5 CH Myristica Sebifera: 3 CH